Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Trump Indicted

 President Trump just got indicted again, this time for his "role in January 6th".

Yeah, okay.  President Biden's DOJ is working overtime to destroy their own credibility and to interfere in the upcoming election.


Old NFO said...

The panic is rising on the left...

Anonymous said...

Its very telling, I don't get how people don't grok what it means:

This is very much in the public eye, all being looked at, on tee vee, etc. Oh, its all very illegal, complete claptrap, lies being built on top of existing lies, and everybody knows its complete and total horseshit.
Yet they're doing it anyways.
To their single biggest threat.
Live and in public.
Daring you to resist, even.
You think you as an individual stands a chance?
You think they won't press the full weight of all their orcs against you should you step out of line?
What I'm trying to say is, if they will go after someone like Trump like this, what chance do we as individuals have? You think the legal system thats being used to subvert justice to one of the biggest names on the entire planet is going to come to your rescue?
People, we're fucked. Don't you get that? They won't be leaving office peacefully, the continuation and confirming of the J6 hoax is your tell, they're doubling down on the lie.

Steve Sky said...

Look squirrel. (It's on the top-of-the-hour news, every hour.)

Don't pay attention to anything to do with Hunter Biden. (Not mentioned.)

Termite said...


That would be long, protracted, very bloody, etc.

Preferable would be a B53 detonated at 8000-10,000 ft over Washington DC.
No notice, Congress in session, POTUS and VPOTUS in the Rose Garden.

Anonymous said...

Consider the probability that they are prepping the field.
Consider that they are priming his ego. That if he does get elected, he will spend a lot of energy on pay back.

Consider that this is another tactic to spoil his term in office. The other, as we had seen, was to sabotage by advising selecting persons (Barr, etc) damaging to his presidency.

Will that kind of sabotage work as effectively again? Why take the chance, throw something else out there. Something that will require much of his energy. Something which he can't let slide because he's competitive, must come out on top, feed his ego.

If Trump wins, they've salted his next four years. If they steal the election, Trump goes away.

Win or 'lose', they win for they have neutered him.