Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Smith and Beria

 Lavrentiy Beria was the ruthless chief of Stalin's secret police.  He famously said, "Show me the man, I'll show you the crime."

That is not the way that prosecutions are supposed to work in the United States.  Generally, we have an idea that a crime has been committed.  We find a body laying somewhere, or someone calls in a burglary, or someone complains about a fraud.  We respond to the complaint and let the evidence lead us to the suspect.

Not Jack Smith, the special counsel in the Trump case.  He starts with a target and finds a crime to fit whatever circumstances are in the record.

I was watching Laura Ingraham on the internet this morning, and saw this graphic come up.

So, lawyers who know Smith think that he uses the Beria model of crime suppression. Decide who the traget will be, then find a crime to fit.  That seems truly unethical, and it makes me wonder why, if Smith has this mindset, he is allowed to continue to practice law.  It seems that the Beria method of prosecution should be considered anti ethical to the practice of law.

But, that is what we are left with in the United States today.  Beria would be proud.


juvat said...

Once again, I hope and pray you're wrong, but am afraid you're right. Lord help us.

Anonymous said...

This is not hyperbole.
Communists in power are rounding up their political opponents. Kangaroo courts and all. Secret subpeonas!
Stalin much?
Disappeared will become a thing.
Then they will disarm you.
Then comes the boxcars.
Grok this people. History lays it out plain as day!

Anonymous said...

Come on in the communist water is fine...
Theme music for the Jaws shark 🎶.