Friday, August 11, 2023

Mike Pence mocked for gas station campaign ad: ‘Never used a gas pump be...

Did ya see this campaign ad?  Pore ol' Mikke is being mocked for his attempt to be the common man.  Some wags are saying that they can hear the pump beeping at him.  Maybe so, my old ears don't hear some things anymore.  If I'm standing beside a pump and it's beeping at me, I can't hear it.  But Mike's editor should have heard it.

I don't think he pulls the handle to start the gas flowing.  As one wag said, it's hard to complain about gas prices when you are not pumping gas.  The price of no gasoline is the same it always was.

Finally, is there anyone anywhere who believes that Pence drive a bright red pickup? I love red pickups, have owned several, and when I'm looking for a truck , the red one will always get a close look.  But Pence?

Hey, I like Mike.  I think he's a nice guy whose heart is generally in the right place.  Will I vote for him?  Likely not, but there are a whole lot of nice guys that I will probably never vote for.


KurtP said...

The wife has a red F-150.
I prefer Black pickups, but all my 3/4 ton 4x4's are white- just to differentiate them.

Well, when you only drive for a self-promotional ad, you miss the nuances everyone else knows.

Anonymous said...

Guys a fcking idiot.. you can hear the pump beeping in the video.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. I hear it too.
And nobody gets out of the truck and pumps immediately...
And what's this 2040 thing? We could be there in 3 years with an aggressive President.
Fortunately for us, there is pretty much 0 chance he'll get elected.

Andrew said...

makes it look like he's just getting out of the truck, but the gas door is already open and the cap is off