Monday, August 21, 2023

Gotten to This

 I met this morning with the head of the Pineville, LA Parks Dept. regarding my public records request.  He started the meeting by apologizing, saying "It never should have gotten to this."

I agree.  The meeting was quite cordial.  He assures me that his employees understand the scope and meaning of the Louisiana Public Records law and that he has "addressed it internally."  He addressed my questions and concerns, and Belle and I are satisfied with his response.

I am convinced that he is a good man, trying to do the right thig.  He admitted that his employees over-stepped, but assured me that he "addressed it internally".  I bet that was an interesting meeting.


Ole Grump said...

Even the best teams need a "come to Jesus meeting" occasionally.

Anonymous said...

Often times as the supervisor I said the exact same things to customers.
I talked to my guys, but frankly they appreciated NOT getting an ass chewing more. It showed I respected them. The mistake was discussed, better options for next time, and left at that. If it escalated, you were on thin ice