Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Influencer Dies

 On social media, there is this class of content producers known as "influencers" who gain their ten minutes of fame on an internet platform.  It seems like a pretty good gig, but many of these people seem to have more problems than they care to admit.

There was this one influencer, a woman who promoted a diet of raw fruit.  She died of starvation.

Vegan influencer Zhanna Samsonova has reportedly “died of starvation” after subsisting exclusively off a diet of exotic fruit in Malaysia, according to her friends and family.

I'm trying to watch my carbs.  Like most southern men, I love my rice and potatoes. A, more balanced diet is healthier. I actually ate raw fruits and veggies yesterday.  Thy call it a salad. It was good, but you can't live on that.  Next time you swing through Windy's, instead of a Dave's Double, get the Apple/Pecan/Chicken salad.  It's pretty good. Of course, that big honking piece of chicken on top of it tends to eject it from the vegan menu, but you won't starve to death.

I'm just sayin'.


Anonymous said...

Some of the local Dairy Queens will allow you to switch out their burger combo fries with a side salad. Also changing out large burger buns with the Junior burger buns to low carb them. Baby steps.

Termite said...

It is possible to maintain a decent healthy lifestyle without animal proteins. Nuts, beans, and cereal grains can supply most of the needed proteins, but you must balance them.
Fruits alone cannot give the needed proteins.

Anonymous said...

I never understood vegans/veganism. I get the weak connection to a moral high ground, though its completely false... but any half wit who took biology knows herbivores have flat teeth, carnivores are pointed, and humans have both - omnivores.
If we were herbivores, we would have evolved with multiple stomachs (like most herbivores) and we wouldn't need these pointy sharp teeth.
When you say 'I'm vegan' you are literally saying 'I don't care what hundreds of thousands of years of evolution says, I'm smarter!'

Anonymous said...

Counting calories is a fools errand.
You recognize the human body is a balancing machine, inputs, outputs.

Excess inputs = fat
Excess outputs = skinny

Push on the other end of the stick, you get to eat what you like.

TechieDude said...

Did you see that chick?

Holy cow, looked like a concentration camp resident. How on earth they think that's healthy is beyond me.

I've seen a few youtubes where a circus freak like this is feeding their dog a vegan diet. The best one was where she put hamburger and his vegan food side by side to show the dog loves vegetablism. She didn't even get to the test when the pup wolfed down the hamburger.

These people are messed up.

Anonymous said...

The 'health' gurus like to claim that you can stay healthy without animal products as long as you're very careful to have a fully balanced diet, but the practical evidence for that theory seems to be lacking.

I suppose it's possible for fully developed adults to manage without it, but animal protein/fat is absolutely necessary for child development.