Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Gun Nut Voter's Guide

Over at Field and Stream, they've got a blog written by Dave Petzal and Phil Bourjaily.  The Gun NutPetzal tries to give some advice about voting in the upcoming election.

*Third, supposedly qualified people have failed utterly to cure what ails us, so let us elect the wildly unqualified, the weird, the grotesque, and the outlandish. They will hasten our end, and they’ll be amusing while they’re doing it. No one who has an ounce of self-respect is going to run for high political office in the United States of America in the year 2010.
And there's your problem, right there.  It's getting to the point where no one with an ounce of self-respect is running for high political office.  I know a couple of good small-town mayors, but above the parish/county level, most of what passes for political leadership is a bunch of bozos pretending to be important.

Everyone is talking about the Republican tsunami that's about to engulf the Congress.  I wouldn't get too cocky.  Most of the folks running or holding office are bozos, better suited to low level manual labor.  I don't want to name any particular jobs, because there are good people in all those low-level jobs, and I don't want to offend them by comparing them to Congressmen. 

We're going to be watching the Republicans too, and if my Congressman has any sense, he'll retire soon.  We're doing our darndest to get him fired.  He was a Democrat, and switched to Republican, but he's just another bozo who couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.  I'm reminded of what Mark Twain had to say about Congress:

"It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress."



Old NFO said...

Agreed... Who in their right mind would want to put up with that amount of BS for ANY position???

bluesun said...

We could either work to make the qualifications much harder, to make sure congress is effective, or make it so pointless/powerless that it doesn't matter what they do. The way it right now really isn't working that well--ineffective candidates with too much power.