Monday, September 05, 2005

Jackson makes Demands

We read here where Jesse Jackson, major African American victim, rode some busses with "internally displaced persons" into Central Louisiana today and made a demand that... well, read it yourself.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson rode into Alexandria late Saturday night with three buses of evacuees from storm-ravaged New Orleans and demanded that England Airpark be made available as a temporary home for them.

As for Jackson and his entourage he said his next stop before leaving the area was England Airpark, where they intended to demand that it be open for permanent housing for the evacuees now staying in Cenla shelters.
I don't know what the response is from the guys who run the England Authority, but I bet they'll make room for as many folks as they can.

The fact that Jesse is making demands is laughable. He isn't in charge of anything.

The Good Reverend should remember one basic thing about making demands. Don't make a demand you can't enforce. Ole Jesse has no stroke except for the cameras that follow him around like whores. He makes good copy, but is rapidly becoming a laughable caricature of the failed policies of the past. He would have starved to death years ago except that he is a master at manipulating the news media.

Frankly, if I were running the England Authority, I would have Jesse arrested for trespassing the moment he stepped foot on the place. The Gummint didn't want England AFB, and the good folks of Central Louisiana took it and made it into something special.

We in Central Louisiana have made dramatic efforts to provide for the care and security of thousands of displaced persons. We are proud of our efforts. None of this is of our making and we are trying to help. We are trying to care for needs, not wants. Certainly not demands.

What Jesse really needs is his ass whipped. If he keeps making demands around here, he may get just exactly what he needs.

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