Thursday, October 24, 2024


 I don't know what the Dem camp is thinking, but it seems like this week, they've gone completely negative on the campaign trail.  Whatever the question, it's Donald Trump's fault.

Just this morning, I've heard Trump described as Hitler, a dictator, a fascist, a misogynists and a racist.  I don't believe I have ever heard such unhinged negativity from a major campaign.

I know that POTUS wields great power, and that Kamala was only the VPOTUS, subject to being over-ruled by Biden, but she was there, still holds the office, and has to take some responsibility for the past four years.

I have already voted, so this turn of events has no bearing on my vote, but I am appalled at the turn.  Kamala is reportedly going to make her closing argument at a major speech on the ellipse in Washington next week.  It will be interesting to see what she has to say.  I hope, for the good of the country it is a concession speech, but I have no rational expectation that her oratory will rise to greatness and heal a divided nation.

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