Monday, May 20, 2024

Fog and Mountains

 It looks like they have found Raisi's body.  All the footage I've seen shows searchers working through dense fog. Clouds, if you will.  Can't see anything past arm-length.

Chuck Schumer was quick to declare it an accident.  Iranian sources say that American sanctions on aviation equipment played a large part. Linky here as my source for those two tidbits.

Terrain avoidance really is a thing.


ERJ said...

Lotta ways that could go sideways.

Termite said...

Terrain avoidance really is a thing.

Yes it is. So is proper helicopter maintenance, and pilot training.

Angus McThag said...

Even if it was our interference in their aviation parts market...

I seem to recall they have a way out of those sanctions by becoming a member in good standing of the global community instead of hostis humanis.

So, if they can't get parts because they're being jerks, then it's prudent to stop flying aircraft with questionable service and maintenance records.

Anonymous said...

I think Mark Twain had the best comment ever as it certainly applies to this man.

Old NFO said...

CFIT... Controlled flight into terrain. e.g. flying VFR in IFR conditions due to get-home-itis.