Wednesday, November 15, 2023

It's A Good Start

 Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy says that if he is elected president, he will run off half the federal bureaucracy. From the UPI.

Nov. 13 (UPI) -- Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy says that if he is elected president of the United States, he would cut 50% of the government workforce at random on his first day in office.

It's a bold plan.  Basically, if your Social Security number ends with an odd digit, you are layed off.  That is very non-partisan.  That sounds to me like a good start.


Termite said...

Personally, Ramaswamy reminds me of Joel Osteen

Anonymous said...

Then on day two he gets rid of the other 50%?

Paul B said...

All smoke and mirrors. The media likes him and he as been in office before and did not rescue that electorate either. Nope.

Old NFO said...

If only... sigh

juvat said...

Anon, How about we compromise? 95% of the Federal jobs within 200 miles of DC are abolished and 75% pf the jobs outside that radius also? That would be a good start wouldn’t it?

Anonymous said...

I'm agreeing with the sentiment, far too many people are government employed. They have a vested interest in maintaining employment, so will vote to keep their job status intact. A good way to justify keeping raising taxes. Way too many committees meet to decide a course.

Anonymous said...

I think a targeted approach would be much better - and more defendable in the inevitable lawsuits that will follow!
I'd prefer he start with eliminating entire agencies or departments.

Anonymous said...

Only those who have a ssn that is a prime number get to keep their jobs.

Anonymous said...

What Paul B said.....
I don't trust him, sorry, it's not his color, either:
He says some of the exact same lines Barry Soetoro did in her campaign.
His "Millionaire Entrepreneur" story deserves some digging if you haven't heard it - some shady shit behind how he made his money.
The media has not only not-trashed him, but kinda sorta wants to have him around. Sorry to use that as a tell, but... Project Mockingbird deserves some research time while you're looking into his millions.

... This election is and can only be about Trump. Not because of his politics, not because of him, because of them, because the Democrats and liberals have to be exposed for who and what they are. Nobody really believes potato head won the last election, but they don't want to admit what that really means, so, we'll kinda just ignore the problem and hope it goes away. After they steal the NEXT one... it's game over. No way in hell anyone believes the elections hold any legitimacy. Look at how our side feels now? The fence-sitters are ignoring the truth because it contains unpleasant consequences. That'll change if they repeat. That's why hair-gel is getting the treatment!
Now if the election isn't a rubber-match, well, then, the calculous changes entirely, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

As one of those federal employees far from DC, I suggest we get rid of ALL federal employees near DC and all employees in a city over 100,000. Then we promote field people to manage their activities - but keep them where they are, with a mandate to reduce staff by 50%.
Of course, they'd also have to have authority to eliminate time consuming regulations and be able to do more effective hiring and firing.