Monday, February 21, 2011


The news from Libya is both confused and distressing. Many sources claim that the military started to crack down and violence ensued, but some reports are that parts of the the Libyan Air Force have flown to Malta rather than fire on Libyan civilians.

With the recent events in Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt, I'm amazed at how tenuous the grasp of power was and how quickly the strong-men folded when faced with popular opposition. There is a lesson there for all of us. Those who live in the United States should thank their Maker that our differences are handled during elections.

I'm reminded that during our own revolution, less than 3% of the population ever actually took the field against the British.

I'm not going to pretend that I'm smart enough to know what comes next for the people of Libya, nor even the people of Egypt, Tunisia, or any of the other countries in the region. If you're a Christian, pray for the good people of the region that they might throw off their oppressors and live in peace.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

All that will probably happen is to trade one set of oppressors for another...