Several weeks ago, we clipped the dog's fur coat. Then the weather changed again, so he got cold. Shivery cold. He'd whine piteously when outside and scratch at the door in a manner calculated to melt the heart of the strongest human. He'd do whatever was necessary to have someone turn that accursed doorknob. He was quite pathetic.
So, Milady came home one afternoon with a sweater she'd found at the auction. Exactly dawg sized so that he could be warm while outside doing his business.

Here's one with him wearing it outside.

He's the stylishly attired, Sunday Morning Dawg
He's cute, but can he chase a rabbit or tree a squirrel?
No, he can't do either of those things. This is a kitchen dog. Really, his breed is descended from something called the Gobi Desert Kitchen Midden Dog. He can tree a biscuit in a second. He's pretty much worthless as dogs go, but Milady loves him and he ain't a cat.
Lucky he's got you to protect him from muggers!
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