Saturday, February 28, 2009


Velociman is one of the first bloggers I ever read on the internet. (Actually, the first was the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler). He's been almost a daily read ever since. His works are rant, his method sometimes borders on madness. But, he always makes sense.

His post from yesterday captures the same frustration I'm feeling with our President and captures a mood within the country that's slowly simmering into the national consciousness.
In essence, Barack Obama would be a far superior leader if he would just shut the fuck up, and allow the gears and cogs and magnetos of capitalism to correct the course, and slowly rebuild the wealth of the nation. Which, if a healthy nation is his desire, he could do most easily.

Of course, this seedy grifter desireth it not. He intends to beat the fucking bongo of bitterness, and will burn the village that is this nation, in order to save it in his own likeness.

Obama would be wise to venture outside of his palace, and eschew the ministrations of his handlers and sycophants: there is a gutswell of opprobrium for this shallow man and his shallow plans. A wellspring among those grassroots the left so loftily took for granted when they were merely the impersonal proletariat. Before this is all over Barack Obama may indeed turn America upside down, but not in the manner he intended. And this will not be brother against brother. This will be the indignant, abused, condescended upon masses of millions turning upon the elite one thousand in the great swamp city. One can only take so much from a person by force, and bequeath to another by fiat, before even the mildest of men will cry enough. Where pools the tar? Where, by God, are the feathers?

Go read it all.


Old NFO said...

Well said... well said

Anonymous said...

He is a friend of mine, and without a doubt one of the best writers out there. He does have a way with words, ya think?

Velociman said...

Paw Paw, you've always been kind to my opinions and ravings. I WILL come meet you some day. I love Louisiana.