Momma, as usual was puttering around in the garden and raking leaves, and generally cleaning up her yard. I helped her with a few small items between bouts on the lawnmower. As ususal, while we worked, I caught up on all the news from my sisters, who call regularly.
There is a difference, it seems, between mowing and bush-hogging. Dad only mows an acre or so, the rest he bush-hogs with the tractor. I asked him if he wanted me to bush-hog, too, and he said no, it didn't need it yet. So, I got finished considerably earlier than I expected.
I am told that a good portion of the US calls this device a shredder.
The Bush Hog Company makes a great one, and many folks around here use the company name to describe an activity. Pop didn't want me to do any shredding. His shredder is made by Bush Hog, but we must be careful when we discuss trademarks.
Pulling in to my own driveway, I notice that my lawn needs mowing. MiLady worked the vampire shift last night at the hospital and starting small engines around here isn't indicated.
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