Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Nothing For Us Here

 Did y'all see this?  It seems that a bunch of illegal immigrants from Venezuela are going home.  The headline says it all.

Chicago migrants return to Venezuela ahead of winter: 'There's nothing for us here'

Oh, it's a sad tale of woe.

 The Chicago Tribune reported on the account of Michael Castejon, who migrated with his wife and stepdaughter from Venezuela to find a better life. However, after several months, the family suffered from homelessness, a lack of job opportunities and no access to better education. By early November, they had requested tickets back to their home country.

 "The American Dream doesn’t exist anymore," Castejon said. "There’s nothing here for us."

Oh, boohoo.  Cry me a river.  What is happening is the dole is running out, and when the dole runs out, you have to get creative and start taking care of yourself. I know, personally, immigrants who did it right, and made it.  They came here with nothing and started over.  America is a great place for that, but if you're looking for a free ticket, it isn't coming.

And, I note that this one asshole is asking for a free ticket back to his home.  Why give him a ticket?  He walked here.  He can walk home. There is nothing I would like to see more tan a vast, ambulatory caravan of illegal migrants, headed south, walking back to Mexico, or Guatemala, or Venezuela, or wherever in the hell they came from.

One of my Dad's favorite sayings was "Your feet are flat, and the road is wide." 


Justin_O_Guy said...

He walked here...

That's what they Say... I've seen enough pictures of three hunnert pounders looking fresher than I do on day two of a camping trip, pulling fresh,clean luggage in shoes not fit for walking the mall to make me think someone is blowing smoke..

But maybe that's just me..

Old NFO said...

Good riddance!

Termite said...

In the 1980s, Venezuela was the jewel of South America with a rising middle class, and a building economy. There were many Venezuelan students at NSU in Natchitoches.

Then they listened to the siren song of socialism, and voted in Chavez. The rest is history.

Socialism...you can vote it in. But you usually have to shoot your way out of it.

Anonymous said...

Hey, maybe that's the answer? Since we can't control the actions our government takes.... Can we construct an inverse potekim village?