Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Chili Recipe

 Juvat asked about my chili recipe.  Ain't nothing to it.

Ingredients:  2 lbs ground beef, 2 lbs ground venison. One medium onion, chopped. Chili powder,  tomato juice (about a quart).  2 cans red kidney beans.

Prep.  In a dutch oven, combine beef and venison, and fry until brown.  Add the chopped onion and saute. Drain the meat and onion mixture.  Return it to the pot.  Add the tomato juice, slowly to desired thickness. Add beans if desired.  Add chili powder, stirring and tasting to your desired heat level.  One tablespoon of sugar will reduce the acid in the tomato juice. Simmer for a half hour to blend the flavors

Serve wtih crackers, or corn chips, or sour cream, or cheese.  Or all those things.  Bon apetit.


Old NFO said...

Home style!

juvat said...

Thanks Boss! Not much different than my recipe, other than the venison, gotta give it a try.

Drew458 said...

Everyone who likes chili likes a particular style (and the recipe) above the others. So you might not like my style, which is much richer than yours, and I might not like yours. And that's ok. I do like that yours is rich in meat; I use plenty of it too.

Some people add chocolate or maple syrup. Um, no, although chocolate somehow cuts the heat if you've made things too too hot. Some folks get ornery about the beans, but their recipes are still anemic when it comes to actual peppers in their pepper stew, which is what chili really is.

Mine starts with about 10 dried Ancho peppers, seeded and cut into short little strips, and about 6 gaujillo peppers done the same. 2 or 3 onions, a can of pintos and a can of red kidney beans, rinsed. 2 large cans of diced tomatoes. Maybe throw a couple slices of chopped bacon in if you want. Once in a while I'll put some frozen corn in too. Chili powder and cumin go on the meat while it's browning. Halfway through the browning add the chopped onions. Stew it low and slow, or use a crock pot. 4 hours, give or take. If you want heat, a couple of jalapenos will add some bright heat, a hot Italian pepper will add some deep heat, and a couple of dried Thai or Indian peppers will add some powerful heat. Habneros will light things up more than most folks want. About half an hour before serving, you add any green herbs you might want, like oregano. A couple spoonfuls of epasote will take the gas out of the beans. And more chili powder and freshly ground cumin if you want. Too much cumin will give you taco sauce, so be careful. When the pinto beans pretty much dissolve it's ready to eat.

glasslass said...

Drew458. Would really like to make your chili but how many pounds of meat did you use for this batch? Thanks, I have many styles of chili but always on the hunt for "that" special one.