Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Border Security

 While running errands this morning, I happened to hear that Egypt is going to open the border with Gaza and let up to 500 folks with foreign passports out of Gaza.  They were also going to let up to 90 critically ill people out to seek medical treatment at Egyptian hospitals.

Border security.  Perhaps the US could take a lesson from Egypt.

Also, during that time, I heard a political ad by our esteemed senator John Kennedy.  We have a runoff election pending in the state, and runoff elections generally have a lower turnout.  John was imploring people to vote.  "Dead people do it.  You can too."


Old NFO said...

Yeah, walls do work... And it IS Louisiana, so of course the dead vote!

Anonymous said...

The voter fraud is simply accepted as part of life, instead of a matter needing correction.
It's not even hard to correct. This wouldn't be a life-altering change. In fact, you could simply go back a few years and negate the most recent changes that allowed the fraud to occur?
Ahh... but I digress.
That only works if your paradigm assumes altruism. Once you accept that these people are actually working to fuck you over, it all makes sense.

glasslass said...

I worked the voting places and we would turn in the people who were dead and moved out of state. Next voting cycle they would still be in our books. Turn them in again and again and again. The state says it never has enough money to do the research to verify. So, it widespread in most states refusing to remove anyone from the rolls in case they need a dead person or so to sway an election. I'm registered in 5 states. I wonder how many I'm voting in?