Thursday, November 09, 2023

A Few Thougts

Belle and I voted yesterday, and we were busy running errands, and I really didn't focus on those states that had big elections on Tuesday. Here's my take-away.

For decades Roe was settled law, and recently, the Supremes decided Dobbs, and threw the idea of abortion back to the states.  The states are deciding, and whenever an abortion initiative is on the ballot Democrats win.

While I would love to see a fair, legal, honest election where 100% of all legal registered voters trun out and make their voices heard, we know that is not a thing.  Election strategy matters, and voter turn0out is a great indicator of who might win a particular election.  If there is an abortion initiative on the ballot, voter turnout surges and Democrats win.  I'm just making an observation.

While I personally think that abortion is a heinous offense against the unborn and God, I also know that not everyone feels the way I do.  If abortion is on the ballot, Democrats win.

I see that the Republican also-rans had a debate last night.  The elephant in the room was that the elephant was not in the room. Donald Trump was not there, and barring some unforeseen circumstance, he will be the Republican nominee.  


Anonymous said...

I'm agreeing with you that an abortion is killing a child. The individual who chooses to do that with their child is their decision. The punishment for this will be up to God. It is like watching an alcoholic drink themselves until they die.

But I am NOT obligated to pay for their decision any more than I expect anyone else to pay for mine. You want to get a body piercing - $$$ is up to you. You want plastic surgery - $$$ is up to you. And if you have ELECTIVE surgery - $$$ is up to you. Same rules apply to me as well.

Your body - your choice. Fine - I get the same treatment. If I want to possess a firearm, no one else has a claim against that (unless I am not eligible due to having a felony crime). My body - my choice.

Termite said...

If the GOP national candidates are smart, they will leave the abortion issue where it currently is: at the state level.

Old NFO said...

Concur with all.

pjk said...

Sarah Hoyt has a pretty good article about this today - I pretty much agree with her that these ballot initiatives are largely included so that the fraud can be covered up by saying that people want abortions to be legal etc. Then the fraud is less likely to be suspected as the real reason for the numbers that we see.

Anonymous said...

I believe the Supreme Court made the correct decision, though it will roil current norms.
Abortion is an extremely divisive and polarizing issue, regardless of what your personal feelings are about it. Allowing an organ as large as the federal gov to dictate treatment not only ignores, but flies in the face of the whole notion of a fedreal republic of states!
I used to live in NY, now in TN. Believe me, the two will NEVER see eye to eye on this issue. Attempting to force it at the federal level is WHY we have individual states rights. Allowing each state's residents to decide for themselves what shall and shall not be legal is absolutely the correct Constitutional action.
You like it, vote for it. You don't, vote against it. Don't like the results, move.