Sunday, November 05, 2023

Missed It

 I totally missed the "fall-back" last night.  Didn't think about it at all.  Until this morning when I sat down at the computer with my coffee. The only impact that the time change has on me anymore is that the sun goes down an hour earlier. Whoopee.  I'll spend a portion of today changing clocks when I notice them. I'll put a couple of AA batteries in my pocket, because when the clock is down, it's a good time to change the battery.

Today's lunch will be pork chops and rice, with purple hull peas and cornbread.  Some sort of banana pie for dessert. The kids will start showing up in a couple of hours, depending on wheter or not they noticed the time change.  It's going to be a good Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love coming here for a slice of real life. Thanks.