Saturday, January 02, 2021

The Holidays Are Over

 It's Saturday, I have to keep reminding myself.  My internal mental calendar is all screwed up.  It feels like Monday, but the calendar at the bottom of the computer tells me that it's Saturday.  The holiday decorations are down, and the bed of the truck is full of the detritus of the holidays.  I need to make a load to the dump.

It's the second day of the New Year, and tomorrow we're at perihelion.  That's a big word that means we're close to the sun.  It doesn't feel like it on my acre, but I'll take the astronomer's word for it.

I guess I'd better get busy.  I need to clean out the fridge in the sop, and after I make that load to the dump, I"m going to stop by the grocers.  I feel a big gumbo coming on.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Gumbo is good!