Monday, June 25, 2018

The Numbers

These days, we seem to live by our numbers.  In my case, the health numbers.  Blood numbers, A1C, triglycerides, those sort of numbers.

This past March, we had a mandatory health fair at work.  They drew blood, and I"m not convinced that their equipment was calibrated properly.  My numbers were all out of whack.    They, of course, shared them with my primary care critter, who went berserk. 

Belle got wind of it, and I had to change the way I eat.  No more white stuff, basically.  I haven't eaten a biscuit in four months, and the last baked potato I ate was in Amarillo, three weeks ago.  No fast food, although I am eating a  lot of Special K, and Raisin Bran.

Went to the doc today.  Early this morning, I peed in his cup, and his vampire took some blood.  I went back late this afternoon.  The numbers are in, and they're good.  My AiC is down three points, my triglycerides are fantastic, and my bad cholesterol almost doesn't exist.  I've lost about 20 lbs, and my blood pressure is excellent.  Everything, medically, is hunky-dory.

Doc, and I, not having anything else to discuss, spent the remainder of the appointment talking about bass fishing, school  shootings, and Achmed the terrorist.  Blood numbers I know nothing about, but those other things I have some expertise. 

Belle is pleased, and in the final analysis, that's all that matters.


Old NFO said...

That's great news!

Unknown said...

This is great! Good job and thanks to my lovely mother in law.

Ryan said...

Calorically and nutritionally I think potatoes get a bad wrap and while technically white don’t really fall into that group. Even whole 30 decided they are OK.

That said doing what the Mrs, especially since if I recall she’s a nurse, says is a good course of action.