Friday, June 29, 2018

Going Underground

It's time for the project to get back in the dirt.  I started in the dirt back last October, with the dirt work for the foundation.  Now, I"m going back in the dirt for water, sewer, and drainage.  Later today, I'll go to a rental company for a trencher capable of laying  sewer pipe.  I have the existing plumbing exposed and tomorrow morning my family crew will be here for installation.

That is 3/4 inch water pipe between the meter and the house.    We'll tie in here with the line going to the shop.  We'll have to plan this job very carefully, because we're going to have to shut off the water to the house for some period of time.  The shorter, the better.

That is the existing sewer line.  We'll cut out that bend, Tie in with a sweeping Tee, then add a clean-out before we head over to the shop to install the commode flange.

I just got back from the plumbing supply house.  Spent a lot of money for various pipes and fittings that I'm going to bury and (hopefully) never see again.

This project is going to nickel-and-dime me to death.  But, we're going to have a very nice place to entertain when it's over.

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