Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Schumer Whines

 Chuck Schumer, that execrable senator from... same damn place, is complaining that DOGE is doing the job he should have been doing all along.

An unelected shadow government is conducting a hostile takeover of the federal government.

DOGE is not a real government agency.

DOGE has no authority to make spending decisions.

No, Chuck, what DOGE has the authority to do is shine a bright spotlight on government waste, fraud, and abuse.  And, to make specific recommendations to the elected authority. 

What actually happened, Chuck, is that the American people staged a hostile takeover of the federal government.  As is our right and privilege.  Then we asked DOGE to look at the books and tell us where we are wasting money.  DOGE is doint a great job, and the rats are running from the sunlight.


juvat said...

Couldn’t have said it better. Spot on!

Judy said...

No, 'We The People' did not stage a hostile takeover. We used our Constitutional rights and privileges to tell our representative government what 'We The People' want done. Schumer et. al. are guilty of dereliction of duty, misuse of federal funds, and, in my book, treason. And until which time, that bunch of treasonous individuals do hard time in a federal prison; justice has not been served to 'We The People.'

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have said "wasting money" as that's too mild. I'd say, funding all sorts of illegalities, payoffs, kickbacks, etc.
It's amazing how how much USAID was funding connected Uniparty members.

glasslass said...

Execrable - Not used often enough but I Love the word and it describes schumer to a T.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you mean "Cheeseburger Chuck" Schumer. As good a cook as he is a steward of The Peoples' money.