Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Seattle Grapples

We talked, in March, abut Seattle's homeless problem.  It seems that the city's uber-liberal city council was trying to make Seattle a beacon for compassion for the homeless.

Compassion is easy at at distance, but it is hard up close.
The piece also profiles a tech industry worker who says he’s a fan of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. But he is bothered that he can’t take his kids to the local park anymore because it has become a tent camp.
 [Austen] Ruf uses the city’s Find it, Fix it app to report problems, but more often than not, he says, the requests are closed a few days later with the problems unresolved. Rather than walking their three daughters down to the spray park in the summer, Ruf and his wife load them in the car and drive to a park in another neighborhood.
“I’m an environmentalist,” Ruf said. “God that’s frustrating, that’s so frustrating.”
I dealt with the homeless issue during my last duty assignment.  It's frustrating, because we don't want to be stern with people who are down on their luck, but sometimes  you just have to tell them to Move Along.

Seattle is dealing with it on a massive scale because they've become they've subsidized it.  When you subsidize something, you get more of it.

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