Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday afternoon

It's Friday afternoon and I think I'm going to fry fish. Milady went to a seafood vendor today and found some really beautiful catfish. Really, this is the prettiest catfish that I've seen from a vendor in a long time. No trimming necessary, no skin, nothing but pure white fish. She also bought a pound of shucked oysters. I'm going to roll those in corn meal and fry them too.

I'll drop some french fries in there too. The only thing that won't be fried is the cole slaw.

I may be tempted to break into the beer locker.


Old NFO said...

Sounds good! :-) Beer, catfish, hush puppies, fries and I'm in hog heaven.

Rivrdog said...

TEMPTED to break into the beer locker?

That would be REQUIRED if I were preparing that meal...