Monday, May 13, 2024


 Maybe the rain is over for a while  It started raining on Saturday afternoon, rained all day Sunday, and when I awoke this morning,  I was still hearing thunder.  In the past hour, the skies started to clear and we have sunshine on a Monday morning. That is better.  The back yard is awash, and maybe things can start to dry out.

Yesterday was Mother's Day and I am fortunate to still be able to talk to my Momma.

I have a list in my pocket of errands to run.  The bank, the Post Office, the grocers.  Belle wants a homemade chili-cheese dog for lunch.  I've been with that woman for over 20 years and I've never had her ask for a hot dog for lunch.  A good hot dog is hard to beat, and they have always been one of my guilty pleasures.

Back when we were both working, there would be times when our schedules overlapped.  She'd be working and I was off.  There is a little Indian casino not far from here that had a hot dog stand inthe lobby, and they made great hot dogs. Sold them for one dollar.  Sometimes I'd drive up the road, just to get a hot dog. Or two.  It was a cheap meal that I didn't have to cook. But, I have my list in my pocket and I guess I'd better get busy.

Y'all have a great Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What brand of dogs do you favor? They all taste terrible to me.