Thursday, May 30, 2024


 The judge gave the Trump case to the jury yesterday, and deliberation began.  The jury had some questions and got clarifying instructions, and eventually was sent home for the evening.  They begin again this morning.

Juries normally do the right thing. Whatever that is at the time. Our jury system is both the strength and weakness of our judicial system.  At the same time, and in equal measure.

I like the metaphor of the question once poised to the football coach about the forward pass.  He reportedly said that "When you throw a football, three things can happen.  Two of them are bad."  Well, our jury system is a lot like that.  We literally never know what a jury might do, and of the three possible outcomes, two of them are bad.

I personally cannot believe that the case has gone this far. There are still questions about what the underlying crime is. If you can't succinctly and simply define the crime, how can you possibly convince a jury? Yet, that is where we are.

1 comment:

juvat said...

Well, while I agree with your assessment, apparently things went south. While I suspected that might happen, still...YGBSM!!!