Wednesday, May 22, 2024


 There is a bill working its way through the Louisiana statehouse that would remove gassing as a form of execution in the state.

The Jewish community is in favor of this bill.  With their history, I can see why they object to putting people to death using gas. Other folks oppose the death penalty and would remove every form of execution.  For myself, I feel that the death penalty should reman an option.

There are plenty of arguments to be made on both sides of this question.  Both moral and legal.


Termite said...

As much fentanyl as there is, and as lethal as 100% fentanyl is(2mg is a lethal dose for most adults), why don't we just give cons on death row about 20 mg in IV form.
The paramedic at my jobsite tells me this would render the person unconscious in seconds, and dead in 2-3 minutes.

Anonymous said...

I pay about 50-cents per bullet for my HP 357's... With the state's contract negotiating skills I would think they could improve that a little?

Anonymous said...

I have the feeling a plastic bag would do just as well, although firing squad should remain an option. Gassing is definitely cruel and unusual punishment, prohibited by the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

Needs to be a cost effective, hands off, instant death form of execution. Sure, a .38 to the back of the head while walking to the gallows works, but the triggerman might feel bad.

Something with tremendous amperage and then a slice-o-matic could work, with a timer activated by the condemned walking over a floor switch timer. Let them get utterly wasted first on DEA seized drugs. Show them in, sit them down and strap them in. Then give them some BS, oh wait, we forgot the thing, we’ll be back in a couple minutes. Meanwhile they’re nearly ODing. Then zap, chop.

Put the whole thing in a big blacked out box, with hidden drainage and a wash down system. Body comes out relatively clean. And everyone can see he’s dead.


Old NFO said...

Some states are now looking at firing squads again... I agree with the fentanyl though.

Anonymous said...

Firing squads seem the most humane to me. Or hanging with the noose connected to a firearm muzzle pressed up against the condemned's head. Allow them to come to grips with what got them into their situation and accept the consequences of what they did. Allow them to experience remorse.

Anonymous said...

Hypoxia is painless if you don't know its happening. Remember what occurred with Payne Stewart and friends....