Thursday, May 30, 2024


 It looks like the jury found Donald Trump guilty, as many predicted.  It's the Democrats wet dream, because now they can claim that he is a "convicted felon".

From what I've heard and read, the the list of reversable error is long and tedious.  The appeals will take a while, and it will certainly not be concluded before the election.

Which puts me in a position to cast a positive vote for a convicted felon.

The Democrats are playing a dangerous game here.  If we make political persecutions and prosecutions part of the normal course of an election, then it should come as no surprise when the other side starts using it as well. What works for the goose also works for the gander.

But, the Democrats will be cheering tonight, partying like it is Super Bowl Sunday.  Let them have their little fun, but when someone starts locking them up in January, I don't want to hear a word out of them.


Anonymous said...

If you still don't believe we are living in a banana republic, may God help you.

Termite said...

Just got in my "The Right Arm of the Free World".

Anonymous said...

Remember Vietnam.
America never lost a battle. But we lost the War.

Anonymous said...

I hope a lot of women who accepted $$ in exchange for silence decide to go ahead and sue the person because of this ruling. Make people aware of how much the Left is pursuing Trump to prevent him from running.

I won't be told who I vote for. I decide that. You pick the candidate of your choice, I will pick mine. If I have to write it in, I will. And anyone throwing that vote out because of that is guilty of vote tampering.

Anonymous said...

I recall something you once said about our criminal justice system “It’s not perfect but it usually gets things right”.

Anonymous said...

In totalitarian jurisdictions, "our" justice system has become criminal, and beneath contempt.
John in Indy