Wednesday, July 12, 2023

This 'N That

UPDATE** The link is fixed (I think) 

Reading the news between chores, I see over at PJMedia where a Georgia legislator has decided to leave the Dems and come into the GOP camp.  More locally, our sitting sheriff, Mark Wood, ran as a Democrat last time and appears as a Republican this time. 

I was once a Democrat, because that's what it took to vote in Louisiana.  I switched in the early 80s, based on a sincere belief that the Republicans best reflected my libertarian beliefs that small government best served individual freedom.  Over the years I have railed at them when they erred, but I still believe that of the two major parties, they best reflect my values.

While I hope that the Georgia legislator and our idiot Sheriff have had a major epiphany, I suspect it is more of a crass political move.  I believe that if a person is elected under one party and opts to go with the other party, they should step down and not serve under false colors.  If they elected you as a Democrat, serve as a Democrat.  

Changing subject, I see where Chinese hackers have breached the US Govt emails using Microsoft Cloud.  Why is that not surprising?  The Cloud, when it was invented, was touted as a mystical place where personal files could be magically stored and accessed from a number of devices.  In reality, the Cloud is a server farm somewhere on the left coast. It can indeed be accessed by a number of devices, including Chinese and Russian hackers.  Be forewarned.

Finally, when I checked the news last night, the day was supposed to be sunny and hot.  We were supposed to have about three days of sunny and hot.  It has rained on my acre every day for the past week, and the lawn shows it.  As I type this, it is raining on my acre again.  The grass will not be mowed today, and it is a matter of clam whether it will be mowed tomorrow. It is not yet knee-deep out there, but the bahia is jumping.

1 comment:

Steve Sky said...

Your Chinese link goes to the Georgia senator.