Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Heavenly Hypocrite

 It seems that ice cream producers Ben and Jerry, did am Instagram post  on July 4th, saying that America was founded on land stolen from native American people. Link here,

The ice cream company chose to attack America as a country on “stolen” land with an Independence Day Instagram post. The company demanded land be returned to Native Americans.

 Well, things took an interesting twist when it was revealed Ben & Jerry’s headquarters in South Burlington, Vermont is on land previously controlled by the Abenaki people, and they want it back.

The only rational thing to do is for Ben and Jerry to title their land back to the tribe. Right?  I mean, since they brought it up.  Or, come up with a new flavor.  Heavenly Hypocrite.

It's hell, sometimes, when reality intrudes on idealism.


Old NFO said...

They've gone 'strangely silent' on that offer...

Anonymous said...

One way to look at the concept would be to realize that almost anywhere in the world the current resident’s ancestors came from somewhere else. Example the original residents of Ireland and Scotland were over run by the Celts and then the Norse came along. In North America the Anasazi were were over run by the Navaho and Apache an Athabacsan people. The original residents of Central Europe were over run by the Scandinavians from one direction and people from the Steps of east Asia from the other. Another example would be the the farming people along the upper Missouri Bering over run by the Sioux who came from Wisconsin and Minnesota.