Sunday, July 23, 2023

CNO Affirmative Action

 It appears that our Commander in Chief has gone over the head of the Defense establishment and made an affirmative action pick for the post of Chief of Naval Operations.

Joe Biden is obsessed with “firsts” — especially when it comes to naming minorities to positions in his administration. Biden has prioritized “diversity” over almost everything else, including merit, experience, and judging by some of his choices, intelligence (we’re looking at you, Mayor Pete).

The president was given a slate of extremely experienced officers to chose from, including the current commander of the Pacific Fleet, a guy who has been facing down China for several years, but he went with Admiral  Lisa Franchetti.  I'm sure she is a fine officer, but she has been in her current posting for less than a year.


Old NFO said...

Since this is a family blog, I will 'refrain' from saying what I think... Grrrr...

mostly cajun said...

And ounce of image is worth a pound of performance.

Dave said...

A contrary opinion...