Monday, July 24, 2023

Monday Unpacking

 After a week of packing, loading, and getting ready, then two days of shooting, now it's time to unpack and unload.  I have a van full of electronics and range miscellanea, and a trailer full of range iron to unload and put back in storage. Honestly, it's easier to unload by myself because I know where all this stuff goes, and I only want to handle it once.

I'm going to take my morning medds, and get out to the shop.


Elmer said...

We used to do something similar on race weekends - load everything (and I mean everything) late Friday afternoon, then reverse the process very late on Sunday night.

Finally got smart - got a pair of pallets, bolted a couple jobsite tool chests to one, strapped the other stuff on the other pallet, loaded everything on the pallets Wednesday and Thursday evenings in the shop, then loaded them on the trailer Friday with the fork lift (you'll have to empty, and refill, the boxes manually at the destination unless there's power equipment there, at racetracks there almost always is). You've got a tractor, there should be a fork attachment for it. Depending on how much of what you carry to matches you might be able to just put everything in a couple jobsite chests that are "forkliftable" by themselves, maybe even just one large chest (Home Despot sells a 60" X 24" X 24", goes on sale occasionally).

Once you have a "load pattern" for the boxes reloading them is faster and it's easy to tell if you have everything or not, and while they're not safes, the boxes are securely lockable.

Old NFO said...

One time is always the 'best'!