Saturday, August 04, 2018

White Hats

I'm a hat wearer, and have been for years.  I've been wearing hats all my life.  Baseball caps sometimes, uniform hats for many years, and straw hats of various designs, depending on the decade.  My personal living area is festooned with caps and hats on every available hook or piece of furniture, and I'm sure that Belle sometimes wishes I'd cull through my hats and get rid of some of the older ones.

The white cowboy hat is a very wearable hat.  Mostly made of Shantung straw (which is actually paper, by the way), It's normally seen in white, light tan, or cream colors.  Worn properly, it sends a fashion message; Don't mess with me.

As illustrated in the video below.  It's a news video from April 2018.

Remember, the good guys wear white hats.


Old Grafton said...

Unfortunately they didn't beat that robber nearly hard or long enough.

Rivrdog said...

Except in the USAF, the White Hats are NOT your friends, they are Inspectors, and one word from them trashes your career. That word is "un-satisfactory".