Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Real Scandal

If you click on any news outlet, mainstream or internet, you've probably hard about Omarosa, the former celebrity show participant and former aide to President Trump, who is writing a tell-all book and who recently revealed that she was taping conversations in, among other places, the Situation Room at the White House.

She was taping conversations in the Situation Room.  Full Stop.  That should be enough to get anyone fired, and it should be enough to get someone prosecuted. 

But, from all available evidence, she was planning to write a book all along.  She's a celebrity, after all, and has a deep need to keep her name in the newspapers.  The real scandal is not not that she was fired, or that she wrote a book, or that she tape conversations in what is arguably the most secure location in the United States.  No, the real scandal is that she was hired at all.

She's a celebrity and couldn't stand to be a faceless functionary in the highest halls of government.    The folks who do the hiring at the White House should have seen this coming.  As much as I support President Trump, a bad choice was made even letting her get a foot in the door.

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