Thursday, August 16, 2018

Responsible Fatherhood

In keeping with the post below, we come to an article (a link to a link) where a feminist professor at Cal State-Fresno claims that responsible fatherhood. reinforces "hegemonic masculinity".
A feminist professor at California State University-Fresno recently published an article lamenting that federal programs to promote "responsible fatherhood" among vulnerable men in fact perpetuate "patriarchy," "gender norms," and "hegemonic masculinity."
I don't think that's a bad thing.  In fact, if we want to break the cycle of generational poverty in the US we need responsible fathers to stand up and take charge, along with their wives, to raise children into responsible adults.

In the post below, we talk about the three things that a poor, disadvantaged youth can do to break the cycle of poverty and join the middle class.  1) Finish High School.  2) Get a full-time job, and 3) delay child-bearing until 21 and married.    There are other studies (Google is your friend) that claim that children in two-parent households have a better chance of doing those three things than children raised in a one-parent family.

It may be true that responsible fatherhood promotes "hegemonic masculinity".    That's a good thing, and we as a society should strive for it.    It also decreases poverty, reduces criminality, and reduces the cycle of dependency.  Hooray for responsible fathers!


Eaton Rapids Joe said...


Jonathan H said...

"Masculinity" is what built this country and what has maintained it so far - attempts to get rid of it are why we are having so many troubles today. I hope this lady does a favor and stays far enough away from masculinity that she doesn't have a kids to keep troubling us after she passes on.