Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Another One Gone

In 2001, the Taliban destroyed historical monuments, to the disdain of the whole world.

In late 2016, ISIS destroyed historical monuments, to the disdain of the whole world.

Last night, Mitch Landrieu took down an historical monument.  Mitch is the Democratic mayor of New Orleans, and takes down monuments to historical figures that don't match his current politically-correct worldview.

I'll leave my readers to draw the proper parallels.

1 comment:

Eaton Rapids Joe said...

I think Lafayette or Alexandria should purchase the monuments at scrap metal prices and then proudly display them in the town square, complete with the defacement the barbarians caused by yanking them down.

Then New Orleans can watch tourists (and artists) go to those cities and spend money.

Napoleon once said, "When your enemy is doing something stupid, don't stop them."