Tuesday, March 25, 2025


 I was forced to go the big Wal Mart today, something I am generally loathe to do.  While in there I went by the dairy case and checked egg prices.  Roughly $5.00 a dozen for the large white eggs.  If you want brown, organic, pasture fed eggs, be prepared to pay a bit more.  For myself, we are still eating eggs from a neighbor, so I passed on any eggs.

Fuel has come down a few cents.  Your standard 87 octane ethanol blend is $2.41.9 at the Murphy pump in the Wal Mart parking lot.  These prices are in central Louisiana this morning.

Not too bad, maybe with time, it will come down another 50 cents.  That would be nice.


Andrew said...

gasbuddy has bradford pa at 3.70 and the Indians Res has it at 2.30

Pigpen51 said...

Here in Muskegon, MI on the west coast of the "mitten", the price of a gallon of regular octane unleaded is at about $3.10, depending on which side of town you are at. It has been below $3.00 a gallon for most of the winter, so I am hoping that maybe they are just switching over to summer blend, and the price will come down.

Termite said...

You do not want oil to drop much lower, it would mean layoffs. WTI(West Texas Intermediate) closed at $69.10 today. $65/bbl is the magic "low" number. Lifting costs in the deep water GoM are about $45/bbl.

Anonymous said...

I think we are at $3.83 in Kenny Lake Alaska down from almost $5.00 a while back. I have chickens so I’m not buying eggs.