Listening to Fox this morning, I hear that President Trump has directed that all DEI offices in federal agencies be shut down by 5:00 today. All DEI contracts are cancelled. In short, no federal money for anything DEI related.
I was also listening yesterday to the National Prayer Service, when I heard a liberal female Bishop lecture trump about mercy and fairness. She said that some lesbian, gay, or transgendered people are fearful for their lives. Why? There is no evidence that anyone intends to hurt members of our LGBT community.. We're simply not going to spend money on it. That's quite the difference. I also note that the Bishop quoted no scripture in support of her lecture.
I might recommend to the bishop that she study 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 for her future sermons. But, that might throw a kink in her plans to give future sermons. This scripture may not be fashionable these days, but it is scriptural. And, it is New Testament.
The Church has become no better than the world, in my opinion. I was a student at the Grand Rapids School of the Bible and Music, which was traditionally a very conservative, Bible believing institution. There were a great many of the professors, not all, but over 75 %, that were teaching to question the traditions of the Church, from how to interpret the Bible to even moral and spiritual behavior of Christians.
This Bible verse seems to back this up. 1 John 2:15
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
The following verses go on to explain how we should act and believe. I was 24 years old and had 2 young kids, a wife and a full time job at the time. I eventually stopped attending because it became obvious to me that the education that I was getting from there was not going to help me.
A few years later, the school, named the Grand Rapids School of the Bible and Music, merged with what had also been a very conservative and traditional school, Grand Rapids Baptist College and Seminary. The two schools became known as Cornerstone University.
While Cornerstone may have been good in the beginning, they too took a left turn and yielded to pressure from without, and now are pretty liberal in comparison. The reasons for that are likely muddy, but one of them that I suspect, is that like GRSBM, parents would say " I will pay for my child to go to college, but it has to be a Christian College".
What ends up happening is that kids who have not been raised with a solid foundation go there, but as much as you have Chapel each morning and prayers before beginning classes, the students resent being forced to attend a "Christian College". And so it becomes a cycle of liberal professors and liberal kids, making for a match made in the pit of hell.
Thus comes the falling away that we see today. As strange as it might sound, I believe that if there is to be a renewal of the Church and an awakening of Christians, it will actually come from young people, who are no longer satisfied with the lack of true Bible preaching and belief in the God of the Bible.
I am sorry for going on so long, but I am passionate about the missing part of the Church body of believers, and praying that somehow it will come back to America, a nation that was founded on Judeo/Christian beliefs, no matter what the leftists may say. May you have a safe and profitable 2025, and best wishes to your loved ones also.
The Head Honcho for that church is in England. Also flaming gay man married to his gay partner. Very, very left leaning with this type of pulpit pounding, Of course the church is in rapid decline. Lone star parson is an Episcopalian priest but not of this mind-set.
I find it interesting that honest LGBT people living in Texas and other supposedly "anti gay" states admit that people there treat them better than in supposedly "gay friendly" states.
They also admit to enjoying life more - people are nicer overall, costs are lower, etc.
It is no wonder 'her' religion is collapsing around her...
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