Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Military Matters

 It seems that the top Coastie has been relieved by the Trump administration.

Fox News first reported Fagan’s termination, citing issues with recruitment, operations concerns and a focus on diversity, equity and inclusion as the reasons for her relief. An ALCOAST, which is a message to all members of the Coast Guard, announced the relief.

As a full admiral, this probably puts the swan-song on her career.  She should trot down to the DEERS office and put in her paperwork to retire.  She's done. 

In other matters, I see that Trup declared the border a national emergency and is sending troops down to patrol the border and assist the Border Patrol.  I wonder if the 1st Cavalry Division has gotten the warning order yet?  This seems like a great mission for First Horse.


Termite said...

Well that didn't take long. Trump wasn't kidding.

I suspect a bunch of more "Frank Burns" types will be submitting retirement paperwork very shortly.

Mexas said...

" Some " Frank Burns" types and some " Corporal Klinger" types

Javahead said...

But wasn’t Corporal Klinger a draftee doing it in an attempt to get a discharge?

Granted, in the last few years bieing LGBTQXYZ has sorta-kinda been an inside track for preferential promotion, but that’s just about the opposite of Klinger’s gig.

And as I recall, except for dressing in drag he did a pretty fair job of performing his duties, rather than receiving special treatment.