Saturday, September 21, 2024

Splodey Pagers

Those devious Israelis.  I love them I do.

I heard about this last week while on vacation.  Evidently, on Tuesday, a butt load of pagers mysteriously exploded, creating havoc in the ranks of Hezbollah.  The terrorists were using pagers as communication devices, and the Israelis had a bunch manufactured with 
explosive charges that could be detonated on command.  

Now, the word is out that cell phones may also have been affected. That splashing sound you hear is thousands of cell phones across the Middle East being tossed into porta-potties.  When you depend on pagers and cell phones to communicate with your minions, and those devices start detonating, it causes comms problems in the ranks.

I don't know if the Israelis are responsible, but this was a high level logistics strike.  Lots of planning and coordination. Regardless of who done it,  you can bet that Achmed is re-thinking his communication system.

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