Sunday, July 30, 2023

Pore Ol' Joe

 Pore ol' Joe, that arrogant sumbitch.  You kind of have to put yourself in his shoes to understand the problems that he has right now.

In 2014-2018 he was a sitting Vice President of the United States under President Obama.  Hillary was the ideal candidate, and he knew that his career was about over.  But, he wanted a beach house and a nice mansion, and he knew that when Obama left the White House, his gig was over.  He could exist on his government pension, but he really wanted to cash in.  So, the thing to do was to use the power he had at his fingertips to make as much cash as possible before Obama left the scene.

Hilary was going to be elected, nobody was going to look into the finances of a retired vice president.  He had been around crony Washington politics his entire adult life and he anted that beach house.  Never in his wildest dreams did he even suspect that in 2020 he might be the nominee, and against all odds, actually ascend to the presidency. It was all a pipe-dream.

Today, be is the president, and his dreams are crumbling before his eyes.  He may be arrogant enough to think that he can still get away with it.  He has all his cronies in positions to help him.  Some of his crimes may even have passed the statutes of limitation.  But, his business partners are jumping ship.  His son's sweetheart deal has collapsed, and people are starting to ask questions.

If he had stayed retired, no one would have cared.  But, he forgot that in the presidency, the office itself is under a microscope.  And now, lots of people are looking.  He may escape prison, but he won't escape being exposed.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Concur!!! And about damned time!!!