Monday, June 26, 2023

War On Women

 PJMedia highlights the extreme irony of the trans movement, and how the Pride movement is starting to feed on itself.  The headline says it all.

War on Women: Transes Ban Lesbians From Pride March, Cite 'Transphobia'

The Trans-folk need to learn basic English.  A phobia is an unreasonable fear of something. Just because a person disagrees with something, or feels that something is misguided, doesn't make a phobia.  I'm not transphobic, but I do think that many of these poor souls have been misled or lack a sense of objective reality.

I know and admire a few lesbians.  They like women.  It's a basic definition.  We get along well.  I enjoy the conversation around the table.    What I like about the lesbians I know is that they are secure in their own skin.  They don't give a tinkers damn about who approves or disapproves.

Belle tells me that I would make a good lesbian.  I'm never sure if that is a compliment.

The Trans-folk should get that level of confidence.  And learn basic English.  Labeling other people without evidence just makes them jackasses.


Andrew said...


James said...

It is darkly ironic that the set of woke women, which consists of a large number of lesbians, have supported policies and voted for politicians and policies that now leave them marginalized. Women's liberation has made them second class citizens.

Termite said...

I am a bio-male who identifies as a trans-lesbian...

I think.....🤔

Old NFO said...

LOL, THAT is a mental image I don't need...

Anonymous said...

Its deliberate.
One of the things the left does far far better than the right is make use of language and defining the battlespace. By creating definitions for words they are 1) removing it from your use, and 2) wielding it like a branding iron. By labelling things a phobia they make it seem outlandish and weird, and also place you on the defensive.
Like with the racist/bigot label, to defeat it you need to embrace it, not argue against it. When you refute and argue, they've already won - you're on their terms, not yours, they have defined the battlespace, and it is outside the real fight! You end up defending yourself against the slur instead of debating their degeneracy. They win, even if you prove you're not transphobic. See how it works?