Wednesday, October 04, 2023


 The septic system at the church was giving us trouble, so members called a local guy, who does that sort of work, and has a honey-truck.  He came to service the system, and pumped it out, but told us that we need a whole new system.  And a permit.

So, the secretary starts looking into it, and the local health unit is the permitting agency, and they need stuff.  They need us to prove that we own the land, and that we are a valid church, and that a trustee, in person,  has to apply for the permit.

I am a trustee for the church, so I was tagged with the opportunity to serve.  It only took two trips to the health unit and one trip to the Courthouse.  Now, we have applied and are awaiting an inspector to come look and tell us we need a new system.  If it's the same bozo I've dealt with in the past, it should be an interesting visit.  Whether or not we will talk about septic systems is a matter of claim.

We are further along  at noon than we were at daylight, but it is hard to measure how much progress we have made.  The permitting system is not designed for people who actually want to make progress.


Bob said...

Hey Paw Paw does it require a Perc test like it does down here in Baton Rouge and New Orleans area. Considering the drought I wonder what good a Perc. test is anyway.

Old NFO said...

Ouch, those can get pricy, and yes Perc test should be done!

Termite said...

...told us that we need a whole new system. And a permit.

I would get a second opinion, to see if the old system is repairable.

Too often plumbing companies want to replace the older systems with the new units, which generally require pumps, sprinklers, etc.