Tuesday, October 24, 2023

No Sympathy

 I have heard just about enough of the "plight of the Palestinians". Decades of poor decision making have led them to this deplorable condition. Now, I admit that I have never given the Palestinians much thought.  A quick review of the map doesn't show me a place identified as Palestine. I do see a place called Israel.  And, I see a place called Gaza.

Again, I haven't given it much thought, but a quick Google search tells me that in 2006 the Gazan folks held an election and voted in Hamas.  They elected a terrorist government. Simple math tells me that they have had 13 years to do simple things like dig water wells, begin generating electricity, set up a stable goernment and start taking care of people.  Things like securing food and fuel. But they didn't. I can't find an airport in Gaza, nor yet a seaport.

Hamas has done nothing to govern these poor people, yet that is what they voted for.  It's not Israel's fault that they don't have water or electricity or fuel.  It's Hamas fault. The Palestinian people cannot travel.  THey have no passports.  Who's fault it that? Hamas.  They are the elected government.

Bobody wants the Palestinians.  Not Jordan, nor Egypt, and certainly not Louisiana. I have no sympathy for prople who got exactly what they voted for.


pigpen51 said...

That they do not have any infrastructure is not because they don't have the funds. The United States has given the Palestinian Authority a lot of money over the years. But it seems that some of that money was actually used as reward money to the families of suicide bombers who attacked Israel.
I have been a huge supporter of Israel since I was very young. And I have seen the leadership of Israel make many mistakes over that time, but hopefully this latest slaughter of their citizens will wake them up to the fact that when someone says that they won't rest until all of your people are wiped off of the face of the earth, they will believe them, and take appropriate action, like letting all of their citizens have weapons to defend their homes from the barbaric actions that happened in the recent invasion of Hamas.
One can only pray that here in America we are able to fight the onslaught of anti gun leftwing haters of freedom, and continue to maintain the ability to defend ourselves, against enemies without and within.

Judy said...

History, my friend, history.  The nation-state we know of as Israel is part of Palestine, and the little section we know as Gaza is also part of Palestine. It is also the Levant, the Fertile Crescent, et al.    

And the lack of infrastructure reminds me of the tale of the Ant and the Grasshopper.

Anonymous said...


While I do agree with you, I don't give a fuck about the Palestinians either, you need to read a history book.
Find yourself a map of the middle east BEFORE 1947 and point to the patch of sand currently called Israel. Go ahead, I'll wait.

That should be your next post, dude. If you didn't know, how many other people don't?

Anonymous said...

Modern Israel, British Mandate, Ottoman Empire. No Palestine.

Anonymous said...

Until the British Mandate, Palestinian described Jews in the area; the other locals we're Arabs, Copts, etc.
"Palestinian" was intended as a deliberate slur against Jews - it is a corruption of Philistine, who the Ottomans viewed as Israel's ancient enemy.