Sunday, October 08, 2023

It's That Time

Finally, the heat of summer has broken and we awoke this morning to temps in the mid 40s.   I had a chicken and some sausage, so I decided to make gumbo. The same ol' gumbo I've been making for nearly 50 years.

My basic recipe is here, and in Cajun Louisiana, gumbo is about as basic as anything gets. Now that I've cleared the work space in the kitchen, Belle is in there making something she calls Alabama Sweet Bread.  It's a light sweet thing that we love as a dessert.  She got the recipe from some gal on YouTube.  Google Alabama Sweet Pecan Bread on You Tue and lots of recipes will pop.

The gumbo flavors are all marrying now, and closer to lunch, we'll make a pot of rice.

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