Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Louisiana Covid Update

 The Louisiana Dept of Health is reporting 16,284  of the corona virus today, an increase of 1417 since yesterday.  Perhaps we should focus on hospitalizations, since that is the metric that the medical folks are watching.   Today, 1996 folks are hospitalized across the state.

This morning I was piddling around in the shop, and looked in the frige.  There was a rack of smoked ribs that needed attention, so I pulled the meat out of the fridge, and boiled four (4) big dried red chili peppers.  While the chili peppers simmered, I peeled the meat off the rib bones and chopped it, then chopped the chili peppers.

I heated a little oil in a big skillet, then added the meat and peppers and let them saute a bit.  Then opened a can of Rotel tomatoes and a can of red beans, and dumped both cans in the mix. 

I let everything blend on a slow simmer for about 30 minutes, then served it on a flour tortilla.  On my finest Dixie Ultra table ware.

Mighty fine eating.  Now I'm inside, continuing to be Covid-correct.  If  this afternoon continues as planned, I foresee a nap in my immediate future.

1 comment:

Termite said...

That's what I call "not wasting left-overs". I bet any extra will freeze well too.