Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Earth Day

I am reminded that today is International Earth Day.  Another meaningless leftist-green-touchy-feely day that has no real meaning to most people.  However, it is good to reflect on what Mother Nature thinks about us.

Not much.  She considers us with extreme indifference.  She really doesn't care if we live or die, and in fact  starts trying to kill us from the very moment of our conception.  Nothing personal, but she really doesn't care if we live or die.  Mother Nature knows that eventually she will use our protein to feed other creatures, and she'll keep spinning along, either with us or without us.

Those of us who believe in the Christian condition know that we're here only for a little while, and everything we accomplish is temporary.  We will spend eternity in another place.


Steve said...

The very first earth day; the school officials took all the kids out to the "wilderness" and made us clean up the trash from the ditches.
My group was taken out to the area around Poor Nates tavern. The highlight of my day; was when I picked Julie Horn up and dipped her butt into the creek.
Now that's a day to remember!

Mike Silvius said...

Its actually Eira Einhorn day these loonie-tunes are celebrating. That POS is the one that first conceived the Earth Day farce.