Thursday, December 12, 2019

This Image Tells It All

I see this image occasionally, and while it's true that our President does things, sometimes that seems to do more harm than good, it is illustrative to see how he is viewed by others.  The bigger take-away is how the media portays guns and their total lack of understanding of how firearms work.

Yes, gentle reader, he is using a revolver to shoot his own foot, and it is ejecting the brass of the spent cartridges.  The image is patently ignorant, yet these are the same people who want to tell us what guns we can have and which we cannot have. 


kamas716 said...

Not only is the revolver ejecting brass, but all the damage done by firing the gun is cosmetic. It's just affecting his clothing/shoes, not doing an actual damage to him.

That also seems quite indicative of reality. Everything the media tries to spin as being harmful to him and his purpose is in fact not so.

Steve said...

Had a person today spit and sputter about Trump....I told her, "the older I've gotten; the more conservative I've become" and "if I could I would vote him to be king"
You should have seen the way her eyes spun around in her head, the drool from the mouth was distracting though......


Gromit said...

The more he pisses people off, the more I like him. Too many pansies on the right letting the left crap all over the country for the last four decades.

Old NFO said...

Typical media... They probably have the gun labeled as an AR-15!

Karl Monroe said...

The cartoon originally appeared in the conservative magazine The Weekly Standard during the 2016 Republican Primary debates. It's not a liberal or left-wing cartoon at all.