Saturday, September 15, 2018

No Wonder They Passed.

I'm sure that many of you noticed that Senator Diane Feinstein (hank, spit), the Democrat from California (that doesn't narrow it down much, there are a lot of moonbats in California), sent a letter to the FBI that someone else sent her, regarding some alleged misconduct regarding Brett Kavanaugh, in the dim past.  As details trickle out, it seems that this is about some very vague allegations. 

The FBI passed, and referred the matter to the White House, probably for a raft of very good reasons.  We learn this morning that one of those reasons might have been that Feinstein (hack, spit) redacted the name of the woman before she forwarded the letter to the FBI.

I've been a cop for many years, and I was an investigator in past assignments.  If  an investigator doesn't have a complainant, he doesn't have anything.  If you don't have a victim to interview, you have nowhere to start.  Feinstein gave them nothing.

I suspect that this whole accusation is a huge nothingburger.    From the very instant I learned of it last week, I questioned if from an investigator's standpoint.  What is smacks of is a despicable political hack job trying to derail the nomination of an esteemed jurist from his nomination to the Supreme Court.    I've noticed that over the course of the past several years, these unconscionable tricks are often without merit.  I'll reference the Duke lacrosse team case, and the University of Virginia article in Rolling Stone, just for starters.  Juicy, salacious media events that turned out to be totally without merit.  I'll put this one in the same category.

Feinstein is despicable.  This is nothing but twardry politics.  She couldn't derail Kavanaugh's nomination in committee, she won't he ale to stop it in the Senate, so resorts to a cheap smear campaign. 


Judy said...

I noted with some amusement that Ginsburg was disgusted with the partisan dog-n-pony show going on.

Jerry The Geek said...

Oregon once had a senator who was very efficient in his job, but had an unfortunate proclivity for 15 year old girls. We finally had to get rid of him.

California has Her Hyena-ness, who will use any carrion to feed her political hunger. She also would be an embarrassment to most states, except that so far she hasn't been caught with a 15 year old girl in her bed ... and I wouldn't expect it to happen.

If we didn't have her Hyena-ness to complain about, we wouldn't have anything to talk about.

Old NFO said...

Yep, cheap shot, but what do you expect from the Dems anymore... sigh